Project 30: Forced Perspective

Forced perspective photography is a technique where objects, people, or scenes are strategically positioned and photographed in a way that manipulates the perception of depth and scale, creating optical illusions that deceive the viewer's eye. By cleverly controlling the relative sizes and distances of elements within the frame, photographers can make objects appear larger or smaller than they actually are, or place them in seemingly impossible situations. This technique often involves careful planning and precise positioning of subjects, as well as consideration of angles and perspective to achieve the desired effect. Ultimately, forced perspective photography challenges viewers to question their visual assumptions and invites them to explore the boundaries between reality and illusion through the lens of the camera.

The Assignment

Shoot a series of forced perspective images. You can use the examples below for inspiration, but try to think of a new and interesting way to shoot this subject.

Hints for Successful Forced Perspective Images
The appropriate camera settings for forced perspective photography can vary depending on factors such as lighting conditions, desired depth of field, and the specific effect you're aiming to achieve. However, some general guidelines can help you get started:

Aperture (f-stop): Choose a narrow aperture (higher f-stop number) to increase depth of field and ensure that both the foreground and background elements remain in focus. This is particularly important when working with scenes where objects are positioned at different distances from the camera.

Shutter Speed: Use a shutter speed appropriate for the lighting conditions and to avoid motion blur, especially if you're photographing moving subjects or handheld shots. A tripod can be helpful for stabilizing the camera and allowing for longer exposures if needed.

ISO: Keep the ISO as low as possible to minimize noise and maintain image quality. However, you may need to increase the ISO in low-light situations to maintain a proper exposure, just be mindful of noise levels.


Some Videos on the Topic