Assignment 4: Camera Onboarding


We are lucky to have as many Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) cameras as we do. Therefore, we have some pretty serious training on procedures and responsibilities that we have to follow before we can use them. Look at each of the following parts and complete the activities. Submit all the parts together into Teams. If you are missing one part you must complete it before you can use the cameras.

Part 1: Parent/Guardian Form

If you have not turned in this form, you will need to do that. The form is linked at the top of Strobsy. You can still work on this assignment even if you havenn't tunred in the form yet.

Part 2: Procedures and Rules

Read through each of these rules. They are camera non-negotiable. 
  1. You must have an ID and be on-time to class to check out a camera. This is non-negotiable.
  2. You must have completed all parts of the onboarding before you can use the cameras.
  3. Sign out the camera on the Sign out using the camera sign-out form. Leave your ID in the box.
  4. Check the battery, lens, memory card, and general condition of the camera. If there is a problem, notify me immediately.
  5. Clean your camera before you hold it up to your eye.
  6. Return EVERYTHING to the box and take your ID.
  7. Cameras should be back in the box 15 minutes before the end of the period.

Part 3: Basic Instructions

For this part, watch the following video and look at the poster that follows.

Answer the following questions in a Word document and turn it in with all the other parts of this assignment.

1. Where is the battery on a Canon DSLR located?
2. What direction should the SD memory card go?
3. Where is the Focus Mode switch?
4. Where is the Mode Dial?
5. How do you review a picture you just took?

Part 4: Mode Dial

Using the Text tool in Photoshop to fill out the blanks on this worksheet. 

You can find the information you need for this part of the assignment at this link: